Peace was established in Pakistan through the sacrifices of martyrs, Allama Akbar Kazm,Allama Dr. Syed Mohsin Ali Naqvi


Rawalpindi: Dec 26, 2021 (TNS): Peace was established in Pakistan through the sacrifices of martyrs. The blood of the martyrs will not go in vain. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah has described the greatness of the martyrs. The death of a martyr is the life of a nation. The life of Shaheed Mazhar Ali Mubarak was spent in the service of humanity. These views were expressed by Allama Ghulam Akbar Kazmi, Central Leader of Majlis-e-Wahdat Muslimeen Allama Dr. Syed Mohsin Ali Naqvi. Allama Syed Rizwan. World renowned Naat Khawan Rizwan Faridi. Pride of Performance Naat Khawan Haji Muhammad Rafiq. Ustad Maulana Muhammad Ishaq,Ghani-ur-Rehman Advocate Haji Malik Abdul Qaddos, Hafiz Mohammad Siddique, Mohammad Faisal and others on the occasion of the anniversary of Shaheed Mazhar Ali Mubarak on the occasion of the days of Fatima (AS).Allama Akbar Kazmi ,Allama Dr. Syed Mohsin Ali Naqviand other speakers stated that the days of Fatima(A.S) are the days of Allah.They said that holding of Majalis Fatima is Jihad Akbar. The speakers said that Majalis Fatima is the way to connect with their last Imam (A.S). After Naat recitation, mourning recitation and mourning ceremonies, special prayers were offered for the progress and security of the country and for the founder of Pakistan, Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam.

Shaheed Mazhar Ali Mubarak was the brother of senior journalist Asghar Ali Mubarak, Medical Officer Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Dr. Mahfooz Ali, brother of Dr. Azhar Ali and son of former Pakistan Railways Human Resources Manager Dr. Mubarak Ali, he was martyred in a terrorist attack in 25th December 2013