Pakistan, China collaboration to play key role for averting Afghanistan’s crisis: Dr Moeed


ISLAMABAD, Feb 03 (TNS): National Security Adviser (NSA) Dr Moeed Yusuf on Thursday said Pakistan and China collaboration on Afghanistan would play key role in averting a serious humanitarian crisis after the withdrawal of US forces.

In his video message on the recent visit of the Prime Minister to China where the NSA will also join the visiting delegation, he said it was a very important visit of the Prime Minister to China as both the dignitaries did not have any interaction since COVID-19 outbreak.

Dr Moeed said, “There will also be a broader discussion between the Pakistani and Chinese leadership on Afghanistan.”

He added it was not important rather imperative for Pakistan to ensure stabilisation in Afghanistan.
“Peaceful and stable Afghanistan is of utmost importance to Pakistan after withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan,” Dr Moeed Yusuf.

The NSA mentioned that China intended to expand China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) outreach to Afghanistan and the interim Afghan government also wanted to benefit from it.

“Regional connectivity through CPEC project is a great opportunity and will be an important element of dialogue during the China visit, he said.

During the visit to China, important regional issues would also be discussed between the Pak-China delegations, said Dr Moeed Yusuf.