SFJ calls upon Indian Sikh soldiers to abandon army; join Khalistan referendum


ISLAMABAD, June 6 (TNS): Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) has given a call to the Indian Sikh soldiers, ahead of 38th years of Operation Bluestar, to stop performing their duties and defending Indian borders.

The group also urged the Sikh soldiers to fully support the Khalistan referendum to liberate Punjab from the Indian occupation.
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SFJ general counsel Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, in his video message, to the serving Sikh soldiers called for “Stop Defending Indian Borders – Join Ardas At Sri Akal Takht Sahib” to ‘Liberate Punjab’ from the Indian occupation through “Khalistan Referendum”.

SFJ calls upon Indian Sikh soldiers to abandon army; join Khalistan referendum
Operation Bluestar
They were asked to leave Indian army units, reach Sri Akal Takht sahib on June 6 to join Ardas for the announcement of Khalistan referendum, which was a voting date in Punjab.

The SFJ also saluted Sikh soldiers of Sikh regimental centre, Ramgarh, in Bihar, 18th Sikh Jammu; 9th Sikh at Ganagnagar, Rajsthan,14th Punjab at Pune, Maharshatra and 171 field regiment at Alwar, Rajshtan who had fought the Indian army to avenge Operation Bluestar – the military attack at Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar.

SFJ calls upon Indian Sikh soldiers to abandon army; join Khalistan referendum
operation Bluestar
Reminding the June 1984 mutiny by the pro-Khalistan Sikh soldiers in which pro India Brig. R.S. Puri was gunned down in retaliation to Indian army’s attack on Sri Darbar sahib, Pannun further asked the serving Sikh soldiers to join referendum, the final war against India to liberate Punjab and to establish Sikh homeland Khalistan.