Senate strongly condemns blasphemous remarks of BJP leaders


ISLAMABAD, Jun 06 (TNS): The Senate of Pakistan on Monday unanimously passed a resolution strongly condemning blasphemous remarks of the leaders of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

The resolution, tabled by Senator Saleem Mandviwala in the Upper House, expressed strong condemnation of the highly derogatory and sacrilegious remarks made by two senior leaders of India’s ruling BJP against the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

“These derogatory remarks reflect the fascist face of Indian government, which deeply hurts the sentiments of the people of Pakistan, Muslims and respectful people across the world.

The Senate of Pakistan is deeply concerned at the rising communal violence and hatred against Muslims in India. Muslims are being systematically stigmatized, marginalized and subjected to a well-orchestrated state sponsored physical, economic, social and religious assault from radical mentality in India.” it added.

The Senate expressed its strong commitment towards defending the dignity (Namoos) of the Last Prophet (PBUH) at national, regional and international fora.

The House also reaffirmed its resolution passed on May 30, 2022 against spreading Islamphobia in Sweden and across the world.

It unanimously demanded the government to take the following actions:

i) Summon an emergency OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) conference for recording strong condemnation and protest against the state sponsored anti-Islam and sacrilegious acts in India and call upon all Muslim states to carry out diplomatic, economic and political boycott of India;

ii) Record strong condemnation and protest at United Nations Organisation against the spreading Islamophobia, anti-Muslim, anti-Islamic and fascist state sponsored policies in India and other states;

iii) Mobilise all sources of internal and external publicity for protection of Namoos-e-Risaalat (PBUH) in Pakistan and across the world; and

iv) Carry out immediate trade boycott of India by banning all Indian products in Pakistani market.