PSW organized Media Dialogue titeled ‘Developing an Enabling Media Network Towards International Trade Facilitation


Islamabad: Jun 17, 2022 (TNS): Pakistan Single Window (PSW) organized a Media Dialogue ‘Developing an Enabling Media Network Towards International Trade Facilitation.’
The event was attended by over 50 renowned media heads, journalists, anchors, and reporters to understand, plan, and develop a partnership to raise awareness of the public services PSW provides. Pakistan Single Window is a one-stop electronic platform to efficiently facilitate cross-border trade.
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It will reduce the time and cost of doing business in Pakistan by making trade related processes efficient and transparent.Pakistan Single Window (PSW) is Company Registered with SECP under section 42 of Companies Act 2017, administratively controlled by Federal Board of Revenue Customs Department Government of Pakistan.

Pakistan has committed to develop and launch its NSW by 2022, aptly called Pakistan Single Window (PSW) with Pakistan Customs being designated as the ‘Lead Agency’ by the Prime Minister’s Office for development of this important reform initiative. Accordingly, Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has established a Program Management Office (PMO) in Customs Wing to coordinate and supervise this initiative.

A Single Window is a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfill all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements. Pakistan Single Window will help reduce the time and cost of doing business in Pakistan and make trade related business processes more efficient, transparent and consistent.

During the event, the participants were given an overview about the Pakistan Single Window and the Trade Information Portal of Pakistan. The dialogue provided a forum for the PSW team and media professionals to reflect on the media’s role in generating and promoting trade facilitation initiatives.