Chairman CDA Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis visited Capital Hospital and inaugurated newly built the modern laboratory.


Chairman Capital Development Authority Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis visited Capital Hospital on Thursday and also inaugurated newly built the modern laboratory.
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On this occasion, the officers of the relevant departments were present.

According to the details, the newly built laboratory in Capital Hospital is equipped with modern technology to provide all possible facilities to the patients coming to the hospital. In the new and modern laboratory built in Capital Hospital, PCR lab facilities including high-speed chemistry analyzers, high-speed special chemistry analyzers, blood gas analyzers, and electrolyte analyzers will be provided to the patients.

On this occasion, Chairman Capital Development Authority Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis directed that special care should be taken for women and especially senior citizens coming to the hospital. He further directed to identify four suitable places in the city for the establishment of collection units. He also the concerned formations to make arrangements for providing a facility of home collection.

Moreover, Chairman CDA also visited the pharmacy of Capital Hospital and took a detailed look at the problems faced by the citizens and while issuing instructions to the ED Capital Hospital, he said that such a mechanism should be made so that the patients can be treated in the shortest possible time and medicines be provided without delay.

Apart from this, Chairman Capital Development Authority Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis also visited the new OPD being built in Capital Hospital and reviewed the progress made in the development works. He further said that the construction work should be accelerated and it should be completed as soon as possible and made operational for the citizens.

Chairman Capital Development Authority Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis while issuing instructions to the concerned departments said that the speed of work should be accelerated and superior quality of work be ensured and all out efforts be made to complete the project before the scheduled time and all available resources should be utilized in this regard.