(dated July 3, 2023):. A public awareness walk is being organized on Wednesday to reduce environmental pollution in the City. The Environment Wing of the Capital Development Authority is commencing a series of plantations on the slopes of various highways, connecting roads, intersections, green belt and surrounding of Nullahs in the Islamabad city.
According to the details, on Wednesday from 4 to 5 pm, an awareness campaign about ineffective and invasive or poisonous plants of different species will be launched in different areas of the city including Trail Five (5) Margalla Hills, National Park so that a useful, healthy and better environment could be provided to the citizens of Islamabad. Furthermore, useful species of plants and trees would be planted for promotion of a healthy atmosphere in order to reduce plants which are harmful to the health of human beings. In addition, a step by step eradication of the papermulbery and its replacement with the local indigenous plants will be carried on .People from all walks of life, including people from private and public institutions, are invited to participate in this awareness walk to create awareness among the public regarding reduction of environmental pollution, increasing green areas and plantation of new plants and species in accordance with the safety of human life. Also, the importance of a better environment can be highlighted in this awareness campaign.
In addition to this special walk, information will be provided to the citizens regarding the utility of useful and human friendly plants. Resultantly, valuable opinions, views and thoughts of the citizens will also be obtained. In light of these opinions, views and thoughts plants and trees more compatible with the local environment will be planted in Islamabad city so that everyone can benefit from these trees and plants.
In this regard, a public hearing will also be organized by the Environment Wing on Monday, July 10 at Gandhara Citizens Club, F-9 Park, Islamabad from 10 am to 12 pm for the destruction of wild plants and poisonous herbs. Citizens from all walks of life will be given an opportunity to express their thoughts and views.