ISLAMABAD(TNS): CDA DWP approved various Developmental Projects for the City.


CDA Design Works Planning meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chairman CDA Noor ul Amin Mengal in which officers of Planning Commission, CDA Board Members and various officers of concerned formations also participated.

The PC -I of Sector C-13 was presented in the meeting. It was informed in the meeting that high-rise building apartments have been placed in this sector and this sector is situated in the most beautiful place of Islamabad, its planning has been done keeping in mind its beauty. The PC -I of Sector C-13 has been approved by the commitee and estimated cost is Rs. 1078 million.

In the meeting, PC-1 for Sector D-13 of 10249 Million rupees was also approved. This sector consists of (5468) five thousand four hundred and sixty eight plots. PC -I of the Sector E-13 was also approved. This sector consists of four thousand thirty four (4034) plots.

Apart from this, PC-I of Sector F-13 has also been approved, this sector consists of five thousand three hundred and forty two (5342) plots and estmated cost of this PC-I is amounting to Rs.12676 million.

In the meeting, the infrastructure and development of Orchard Height Park, whose construction cost was estimated of one billion and seven million rupees, and PC -I of Orchard Height Park was also approved and this project will be completed with the cost of Rs. 1773 million.

The participants of the meeting were also briefed about the alignment of the road passing through Sectors C-13, C-14, C-15, C-16, and D-12 in the Extension of Margalla Avenue N- 5 to M-1 project. The alignment of the road was approved, estmated cost of this project is amounting to Rs.2930 million.
The project of Eleventh Avenue from F-10/F-11 to Col. Sher Khan was also approved. PC-1 for the construction of multi-purpose citizens club of F-10 has also been approved. A building of one hundred and ten guest rooms will be constructed with the estimated cost of 2298 million. In addtion to above two floors have been allocated for parking.
The construction of the National Bus Terminal was also approved in the meeting. This project will be developed with the cost of Rs. 4252 million.