Rawalpindi (TNS) : Online application is mandatory for MSc, MPhil, PhD admission in Open University; Regional Director Nasreen Akhtar Mirza


Allama Iqbal Open University Regional Director Rawalpindi Nasreen Akhtar Mirza says that online application is mandatory to get admission in BS, MSc, MPhil and PhD programs. The last date for online admission (main campus) is 15th August 2023 while the admission forms for matriculation and FA programs can be submitted both manually and online. In this regard, SWIFT code has been issued for the convenience of students.
The facility of SWIFT will be available in Rawalpindi district and all its tehsil levels. Regional Director Rawalpindi Nasreen Akhtar Mirza said that the last date of first phase admission of Allama Iqbal Open University for semester autumn 2023 is September 5, 2023.
The first phase includes Matric, Matric Curriculum, Matric Open Courses FA, ICom, FA Curriculum, FA Open Courses, Middle Tech, Certificate Courses / Diploma programs while PhD programs / BS programs (FA, FS based four years) / MPhil / MS / MSc / (Hons) programs. MBA Programmes. Last date for Post Graduate Diploma Online Admission (Main Campus) is 15th August 2023. Admission forms and prospectus of all admissions will be available online on the university website. Admission forms and prospectus of matric and FA programs will also be available from Regional Campus Rawalpindi and Cell Point. As per the university admission policy, online application is mandatory for admission to BS/MSc/MPhil and PhD programs, whereas for matriculation and FA programs, admission forms can be submitted manually and online.