Khanewal (TNS) District Police Officer Rana Umar Farooq’s crowded press conference. 17 dangerous gangs of armed robbers, house robberies, robberies, extortions and thefts were arrested, 03 crores 62 lakhs 84 thousand rupees were stolen.


Khanewal District Police Officer Rana Umar Farooq’s crowded press conference. 17 dangerous gangs of armed robbers, house robberies, robberies, extortions and thefts were arrested, 03 crores 62 lakhs 84 thousand rupees were stolen. Illegal weapons used in the raids and incidents were also recovered. According to the details, the Khanewal police under the leadership of its commander is on a journey of success against the criminal elements and drug dealers and under the special instructions of the DPO and the best strategy, the Khanewal police have stopped the incidents of robbery, extortion and looting. has stoppedIn various police stations, District Police Officer Rana has made great progress during operations against the accused involved in Richuri incidents.
Great achievements have been made during the workers’ era. The public believes that elements of aerobic exercise are being tackled with iron exercise. Tell that no criminal can escape from the grip of law. 17 dacoit gangs were arrested from district 39 criminals, all cases of which are registered, 05 cars, 79 motorcycles, 02 tractors, 03 rickshaws and 4 lakh 34 thousand in cash, motorcycles and Kalashnikovs used in the incidents were recovered. was taken , 02 rails, 20 pistols were also recovered. The DPO said that dacoit gang activities involved criminal elements in various police stations of Khanewal, Khachhar gangs were involved in theft of valuables from people at gun point from which 79 cases were traced in police station City Khanewal. An amount of Rs. seventeen lakhs was recovered. , 10 motorcycles were stolen. And in the same way, 02 pistols, 13 motorcycles, 06 thousand in cash, 01 rifle and 01 number were exported from Sadar police station area. 7 mm, 01 pistol and 02 tractors and 02 tractors and agricultural implements were recovered from Maluk Riaz gang and Zahid Kalu gang in the raids. including 26 motorcycles stolen. The criminal gang was arrested at gunpoint and 08 cases were registered and 07 motorcycles, 02 stolen money were recovered. Police Station City Kabirwala arrested the thieves Adnan alias Dani gang, Javed alias Jedi gang and Latif dacoit gang who stole transformer and Rasolar plot in gun point and Richuri Karwale and seized 10 motorcycles, 02 pistols, cash worth 22 lakhs. Cash and arrested in the streets. Lakh rupees while 04 cases in which 04 cases including Kotrice and 20 mobiles worth 10 lakh rupees, 250000 cash, 01 motorcycle and messenger and miscellaneous items were recovered. Similarly, Hanga police station arrested Muhammad Luqman Kirchhar gang and traced 01 case, involved in the theft of 3015 rupees, Abdul Hakeem police station Hanif gang and Mil Kirchhar gang involved in the theft, 04 motorcycles, 01 pistol and one GLI. The car was recovered. 25 Lakh Maliki Fateh Jahanian recovered 02 pistols and 07 motorcycles from Richuri Chandiwal Abid alias gang at gunpoint, likewise CIA staff. Under the leadership of Incharge Bilal aka Bilal gang, 04 Kalashnikovs and 01 30 bore pistols are being recovered and more accused are being arrested. The DPP and the candidates said that the Khanewal police are performing their duties honestly to create a peaceful situation, but the police and journalists are also responsible. Become a police officer and ensure law and order by keeping your guards in your hands. DPO Rana Umar Farooq said that hostile shopkeepers have been arrested in connection with the grand line against shopkeepers across the district and this process is continuing. On this occasion, on behalf of the police and the journalist community, while paying tribute to DPO Rana Umar Farooq and Khaniwal, it was said that the police had advised to harm these operations.