Faith, “Taqwaa /Fear of Allah ” and Jihad in the way of Allah is the motto of the Pak Army.
Pakistan is fortunate in the sense that it has the world’s best professionals, brave, hardworking and tough army and above all it is the protector of not only the geographical but also the ideological borders of its country Pakistan.
Although protecting the ideological borders is the job of our politicians, scholars and journalists, but this responsibility has also fallen on the shoulders of the army to some extent. He is also successful in this.
No nation can survive unless it protects its country and ideology more than its life.
As long as living nations remember their history, no aggressor can defeat them.
Every nation of the world must have faced a difficult time, but the living nations, with their unity, solidarity and unparalleled spirit, make lasting impressions in history, which even centuries are unable to erase.
Kadan Independence Day is celebrated every year.
The purpose of celebrating the Independence Day is to pay homage to the martyrs and the sacrifices of their predecessors.
Army Chief General Asim Munir was the chief guest of the Independence Parade. In his speech at the ceremony, the Army Chief said that the nation is celebrating its 76th Independence Day. It is the day of renewal. Army Chief General Asim Munir says that we believe in Quaid-e-Azam’s statement that “no power in the world can wipe out Pakistan”. We will not hesitate to make any sacrifice for the sake of national sovereignty and integrity, Pakistan Army is committed to the welfare of the people. Pakistan was built on the two-nation ideology, the forces of Pakistan and the people were one, are one and will remain one.
The Army Chief said that we have been maintaining the tradition of celebrating Independence Day for 76 years. Pakistan is a land rich in countless resources and innumerable blessings, the nation has full potential to deal with internal and external challenges, our development will guarantee a better future for our future generations and our development will fulfill the dreams of our ancestors and people.
General Asim Munir said that today’s day Pakistan emphasizes on understanding the spirit of the message of La Allah Ila Allah. , we are facing failed forces that want to weaken Pakistan. He said that we are true to the words of Quaid-i-Azam that “no power in the world can wipe out Pakistan”. I am giving a message of hope to our great nation on this occasion. Pakistan Army is committed to the welfare of the people. The Army Chief said that the nefarious attempts to create a rift in the nation and the army will fail. The nation has the courage, capacity and ability to face these challenges whether they are external or internal. He said that we must reject the negative propaganda of those who spread fear and despair, these elements fail to spread despair in the society. Active in efforts, no country and nation can develop without facing challenges. The Army Chief said, “Happy 76th Independence Day to the nation, Pakistan was built on the basis of two-nation theory and today is the day to renew our determination to defend the motherland, and to thwart the evil intentions of the enemies of the Pakistan Army.” General Asim Munir, while paying homage to the founder of the nation on the occasion of the 76th Independence Day, has made it clear that Pakistan knows how to defend its hard-earned freedom. Addressing India, Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir has made it clear that Pakistan knows how to defend its freedom and will not be afraid of aggressive intentions, we got freedom after a great struggle and we know how to defend it. could and today it is a threat to regional peace and stability. He said, “I must say that we got freedom after a great struggle and we know how to defend it. Our arch-rival’s strategic calculus, distorted by its grandiose ambitions, harbors the illusion of being a great power and is blinded by Hindutva-based hyper-nationalism. The world needs to pay serious attention to this.”
He added, “We will never be compelled by any aggressive ambitions, nor can the region afford such animosity between two nuclear powers,” he said, referring to India. “Unfortunately, our adversary is advancing its nefarious intentions against us for petty political gains. I will humbly remind them of their past trouble, the last time they tried to do this. and emphasized the spirit behind the creation of Pakistan based on the two-nation ideology. Acknowledging the numerous challenges facing the nation, from geographical disputes to internal threats.The Army Chief made it clear in a strong tone that I warn everyone in the words of our great leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah that there is no power in the world that can destroy Pakistan, Pakistan Army to defend the sovereignty of Pakistan at any cost. Ready. He expressed solidarity with the people of Occupied Kashmir on this occasion and condemned the lack of action by the international community against Indian actions in the region. The Army Chief further said that the conscience of the international community should realize that Indian atrocities in Kashmir are not being remedied and their freedom and right to self-determination is being denied.
The Army Chief said that he assured the Kashmiri brothers of full support from the Pakistan Army and the Pakistani nation.
The army chief said that the nefarious attempts to create a rift in the nation and the army will fail. We are facing challenges such as geographical, political conflicts, struggle for power, the nation must have the courage to fight these challenges whether they are external or internal. Has ability and ability.
He said that we have to reject the negative propaganda of those who spread fear and despair, these elements are active in unsuccessful attempts to spread despair in the society, no country and nation can develop without facing challenges. The Army Chief said, “Happy 76th Independence Day to the nation, Pakistan was built on the basis of two-nation theory and today is the day to renew our determination to defend the motherland.”
The army chief said that we are well aware of the internal and external enemies, making Pakistan a prosperous and stable country is our mission, the forces of Pakistan and the people were one, are one and will remain one. are kept
The Army Chief said that Pakistan is a land rich in innumerable resources and innumerable blessings. Dreams will be interpreted.
General Asim Munir said that today’s day Pakistan emphasizes on understanding the spirit of the message of La Allah Ila Allah. , we are faced with failed forces that want to weaken Pakistan. The Army Chief said that our eternal enemy dreams of its so-called strategic importance and expansionist ambitions. The failure of the expedition to fulfill these ambitions must be remembered. In the ceremony, mixed songs were presented and at the end there was a spectacular display of fireworks.It should be noted that the Pakistan Army’s public welfare projects continue today, for the first time traditional military security is being combined with human welfare and the primary focus is on economic security, which necessarily results. The focus will be on implementing human security in Pakistan and adopting measures that will ensure public economic well-being.
For the past 76 years, Pakistan has existed without a national security policy, yet it has survived four wars with India, nuclear tests in the 1990s, the war on terrorism and US sanctions.
Despite many economic problems and shortcomings, Pakistan likes to be called an independent ‘Islamic’ country, even if it has not paid attention to the development and development of human and public resources due to the demands of national security in this 76-year history. Well done to the Pakistan Army, whose leadership is saving the country from all kinds of destruction, the plans for the public welfare of the Pakistan Army are being forgotten. , states the principles for its implementation, attempts to guide policy for strengthening national cohesion, securing the economic future of the country, its defence, territorial integrity and internal security of Pakistan. has been done At the same time, an attempt was made to provide guidelines for foreign policy and human security in a changing world. A cursory glance reveals that the way it has been framed, with apparently appealing claims like ‘peace’, ‘geo-economics’ and ‘comprehensive’, hides the hidden meaning and vision of government. Enough. It is claimed that consensus among ‘all stakeholders’ or partners is at the heart of this policy, but the strangest thing is that Pakistan’s National Security Adviser and his division to Parliament are not part of the ‘all stakeholders’ system. believe The policy was formulated for the first time in 76 years, recognizing for the first time that “traditional security” i.e. defense is not possible without ensuring ‘economic security’. The reality is that a weak economy has already collapsed in Pakistan under the burden of traditional security. And military security is also coming under increasing pressure. Simply put, human security, unlike state security, demands the protection of people based on their fundamental rights. But this basic feature of any change is mentioned only incidentally and superficially in the policy, and that too in the last chapter of the document. Five chapters deal only with conventional security and other related matters, another chapter covers foreign policy and one chapter deals with economic security. The document undoubtedly emphasizes Pakistan’s defense. It has also expressed concern over the growing imbalance in conventional arms with India and sought to find redress as a prerequisite for economic growth.
If the contradictions and demands of a dependent and weak economy are fundamental, then one must first try to correct them, then logically try to subordinate all aspects of traditional security to economic needs, which lead to peaceful coexistence, useful economic cooperation, And only through long and patient negotiations can “guarantee the restoration of the fundamental problems and their possible resolution.” There is a need to promote peaceful resolution of disputes with all neighbours, promote mutually beneficial trade and investment across borders and strengthen economic interdependence. Geoeconomics is important to the entire region, so it cannot be tied to the opposing geo-strategic needs of each adversary. This in no way means turning a blind eye to the territorial integrity and independence of Pakistan. Instead of allowing vast security businesses and elaborate security agendas, a cost-effective way to defend ourselves can be found to keep within limited means. Pakistan can only be strong if the human security and freedom of its people and future generations are secured. Economic security, which is a very basic need, can be promoted more through regional cooperation and economic partnership than through regional conflicts. The main thing is to ensure that Pakistan achieves the United Nations goals for sustainable and inclusive development and public development. There is still much to be done. What is conveniently hidden in the economic security proposal is how and where the resources and income will come from and how this money will be distributed according to human security priorities to improve the quality of life of the Pakistani people. . Against the background of a new civil-military partnership in policy, a whole new government agency was introduced to implement the new security policy, which would be constitutionally broader and more powerful than the government itself.It should be remembered that Pakistan Army is the largest branch of Askaria Pakistan. Its main purpose is to defend the land borders of the country. Pakistan Army was established in 1947 after the independence of Pakistan. It is a volunteer professional fighting force
It is a highly organized institution with a complete and balanced system of discretionary power. Pak Army has immense respect in Pakistani society. People consider this institution as responsible for their safety and as a trustee of their sacrifices.
The organization of Pakistan Army is the same as it is generally in the whole world. His commissioned ranks begin with second lieutenant. The organization responsible for the defense of Pakistan is the Pakistan Armed Forces. Pakistan Armed Forces is considered as the most organized and developed institution of Pakistan.
Its three major parts are Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy. In terms of manpower, Pakistan ranks 7th in terms of military manpower. If the personnel of paramilitary organizations are also included, the strength of Pakistan Army personnel reaches one million.
It is remembered that for the first time it was recognized that you cannot impartially promote the demands of national development and national defense unless you ensure the welfare of the people.
In the last 76 years, the way political parties have used the country’s resources for their own personal development and have succeeded in creating a system in which political alliances have always been at the fore.
Since its inception, the Pakistan Army has maintained an ideal atmosphere of unity, solidarity and national brotherhood in its ranks.
Pakistan Army is a living image of national equality and unity. The inclusion of people from every province and region in their ranks has been ensured.
The officers and men of the Pakistan Armed Forces are working side by side to defend the country and fulfill their duties in difficult situations, beyond regional and linguistic prejudices.
The Pakistan Armed Forces are engaged in selfless service to their countrymen and have a unique identity for national unity and national unity due to their high discipline.
The dignity and selfless services of the Pakistan Armed Forces are recognized all over the world. It is clear that the Pakistan Army has paid great attention to the representation of the backward areas of the country.
Pakistan Army is providing technical education to the youth of the provinces. In order to recognize the ease of getting the commission for the youth from Balochistan province, arrangements for ISSB exams have been made there, through which the Baloch youth can get commission for the defense of the country. Joining the Pakistan Army.
While the military takes security matters seriously, it focuses on representing all provinces. In the last few years, thousands of Baloch youths have joined the army. Pakistan Army has always tried to bring Balochistan into the national mainstream. While this process will prove to be helpful for the economic improvement of these families, it will eliminate many whispers.
It is necessary that the entire nation should show the same spirit of unity and tolerance and defeat every conspiracy of the opposing forces with the spirit of national unity. It is only through joint struggle against intolerance and bigoted conspiracy that we can not only counteract the poison of bigotry but also set a fine example of brotherhood.