Islamabad(TNS) : On International Day, the vision of a world free from terrorism is impossible without dialogue.


International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
The vision of a world free from terrorism is not possible without dialogue and cooperation. Alhamdulillah I am proud to say that “I myself am the brother of a martyr Mazhar Ali Mubarak who was martyred in the terrorist target killing in 2013” Our real heroes are martyrs and Ghazis and nations that forget their martyrs are soon erased .
We have not forgotten the victims of terrorism and will not forget them, the blood of the martyrs is still saying that the martyrs who gave their lives for the country are proud.
Heroes affected by terrorism, the blood of martyrs is a debt to all of us, nations that forget their martyrs, history never forgives them. We are grateful to the heirs of martyrs. Thanks to the sacrifices of their loved ones, today the shadow of darkness has disappeared over the country and the rays of a bright future are appearing.
On International Day, our thoughts are with the survivors and the families of the victims.
On the occasion of International Day of Remembrance and Homage to Victims of Terrorism, Pakistan joins the international community with victims.
Tribute to the terror victims by remembering the heroes who sacrificed their lives in the war against terrorism.
The Pakistani nation is a nation that has fought terrorism, Pakistan understands the pain and suffering of people affected by terrorism all over the world.
Pakistan has been a victim of cross-border sponsored terrorism for the past two decades. Over 80,000 deaths were reported during this period and over US$150 billion was lost to the economy. Challenges did not stop us. Pakistan is still determined to fight terrorism. Thanks to national determination, unprecedented resilience and unprecedented sacrifices of the people, Pakistan has turned the tide and achieved victories against terrorism.

As we remember and pay tribute to the victims around the world, we must also remember the victims of state terrorism, including in India’s illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Since the 1990s, Indian troops have killed more than 100,000 Kashmiris, widowed more than 22,000 women, orphaned 108,000 children and raped 11,000 women in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The international community should also stand with the victims of state terrorism in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

It is imperative for the international community to adopt a comprehensive approach to counter terrorism and address its root causes. Prolonged unresolved conflicts, foreign occupation and denial of the right to self-determination create conditions for extremism, terrorism that must be dealt with comprehensively.
Our strength as a global community is unity, common understanding, and mutual cooperation.
By strengthening international partnerships, dialogue and cooperation, we can envision a world free of terrorism.
Peace in the country today is due to our Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army has paid the price of Pakistan’s defense with its blood from Operation Shirdil to the path of righteousness, path of salvation, Zarb-e-Azb and Ridd al-Fasaad. Pakistan Army is with the nation in every difficult time. has been If we look at the services of the Pakistan Army, in every difficult time, be it an earthquake or a flood, a time of peace or a war, the Pakistan Army is a brave fighter for the country and the nation and is always seen standing with its people. The families of the martyrs eagerly wait for this day, the blood of the martyrs is still saying that the martyrs who gave their lives for the country are proud. Today we renew our resolve to protect the defense, security and sovereignty of Pakistan, renewing the resolve shown by the martyrs and veterans of the 1965 war. are fully prepared to deal with the situation. The nation and the armed forces proved that size does not matter. It is passion, passion and courage and bravery that is most important. Pakistan Army does not hesitate to sacrifice its lives for the people and motherland, Pakistan Army is our pride. The sacrifices of the Pakistan Army for the defense of the homeland are eternal, that is why this day is celebrated to deal with the threats of terrorism. Our freedom is owed to the blood of martyrs and these martyrs are our greatest asset. That is why this day in Pakistan is attributed to those martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives in the war against terrorism. The country is fortunate in that it has the bravest, hardworking and brave army of the world.The entire nation and institutions are united and united for the end of terrorism, remember that sometimes there are stages in the life of nations, which are apparently very difficult and patient. Turns challenges into “opportunities”. The tragic tragedy that took place in Peshawar APS on 16 December 2014 has not yet been fully converted into an “occasion” at the national level. Although progress is being made in this direction, satisfactory results may not be achieved. The experts analyzing the situation say that the tragedy that happened in Peshawar Army Public School has shocked the political and military leadership of the entire country and all sections. A 20-point national action plan was set up through mutual consultation, through which it was determined how all the government and state institutions will remedy the serious threats of terrorism and extremism facing the dear country and how to effectively deal with this bleak situation. And will be dealt with in a coordinated manner, special courts were established in this regard and severe punishments were announced to the criminals. In this regard, many steps were also taken in the initial weeks, but with the passage of time, this matter did not result to this extent. It did not prove to be as effective and reliable as expected. Although a lot of progress has been made in this regard and the structure of terrorism has been weakened to a great extent under Zarb-e-Azb and Rid Al-Fasaad, but despite this, the events are not only ongoing, but in the last few months, this monster of terrorism seems like this. He is busy trying to spread the virus by changing new forms. In this, many small and big groups are raising their heads again with different names. Experts reviewing the same series have opined that on the one hand, effective legislation is the most important need of the hour. Along with this, the problem should be solved on a permanent basis. It is not hidden from anyone that the National Action Plan is the most important document of national security. If it was fully implemented, terrorism and extremism could be completely eradicated.
International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
The need to implement the national action plan has increased. The national action plan basically consists of two components. One component is related to counter-terrorism. The second component addresses the elimination of extremism. Extremism is a mental and intellectual process under the influence of which the human psyche is formed. Terrorism is its practical expression. When an extremist mind targets human life and property in a certain psychological state, terrorism is born. Ending terrorism is not possible without ending extremism. Hence the need was always felt to target both simultaneously. This is the basic concept of National Action Plan. National Action Plan is an important document in national security. One of the major obstacles in this is the lack of a coherent policy to protect national security and counter-terrorism. The commitment of the civilian leadership is also very important to implement the National Action Plan in its true form. Apart from this, the gap created due to lack of good governance gave an opportunity to anti-national forces to spread their feet. After years, such a document was made available on which all the leadership agreed, but still logical results could not be achieved. Therefore, the anti-terrorist departments established in the provinces should be strengthened. Along with this, the problem of tribal areas and Afghan refugees requires an immediate solution. Is.
The neutral circles who have reviewed all this situation have expressed the expectation that the facts on the ground require that all the circles of the nation show prudence, understanding and tolerance to the National Action Plan in accordance with its true nature and spirit. Will play their role in implementation. It should be noted that the consensus analysis of the political and military leadership is that there are some aspects of the National Action Plan which could not be fully implemented. Due to this weakness, the remnants of the terrorists get an opportunity to make the society anxious by some incident. Such incidents do not prove that the terrorists are not gone. In fact, such incidents are related to extremism. which has not yet been eradicated. Those people who are hiding here and there, take advantage and commit crimes, it is necessary to target this definition of religion for the elimination of extremism. The nation needs a counter-narrative which, in the light of the true teachings of the religion, makes a few questions a special topic and organizes it to eliminate the forms in the minds of the new generation in this chapter, to eliminate extremism. It is important to satisfy the new generation on questions. In the National Action Plan, there is talk of creating a national narrative for ideological restructuring that offers a counter-extremism approach. No significant progress could be made on this front. These questions are still unanswered and the state has yet to come up with a narrative that addresses them. Part of this is to stop the misuse of religious institutions and religious education. For this purpose, it was necessary that religious institutions like madrasahs and mosques should be brought under a system so that no one uses the mihrab and pulpit for negative purposes. We haven’t succeeded in that yet. In order to eliminate extremism, it is necessary to identify and eradicate these centers where these ideas thrive.For the elimination of extremism, where it is necessary to identify and eliminate these centers, where these ideas are promoted, it is also necessary to eliminate the communication system under which these ideas and ideas are spread. It is a known fact that many youth involved in terrorist incidents belong to modern educational institutions. We also know that such education is not given in these institutions. The question is, how do these ideas travel from their centers to reach the minds of these young people? Terrorism cannot be eradicated without finding the answer to this question. Terrorism cannot be completely eradicated without the elimination of extremism.