Balochistan | NAB (TNS) organized 2 days workshop on Procurement Laws & Rules for its officers in collaboration with Balochistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority.


National Accountability Bureau (Baluchistan) in collaboration with Balochistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority arranged a 2 days workshop for NAB officers at NAB (Balochistan). The purpose of workshop was to create awareness among the NAB officers regarding laws and rules on procurement. Director (CB) B-PPRA Mr. Abdul Hameed Buzdar along with procurement specialists Mr. Mubashir Ali Khan, Mr. Muhammad Laique Tariq and other resource persons delivered their lectures on procurement process.  


During the workshop, the NAB officers were provided with comprehensive guidance on the legal framework governing procurement processes. They were educated on the various laws, policies, and procedures that must be adhered to in order to maintain integrity and accountability throughout the procurement cycle.


The interactive workshop served as a platform to the officers to gain in-depth knowledge about the importance of rules and laws of procurement. By understanding these regulations, the officers can effectively navigate through the complexities of the procurement process and make informed decisions that align with legal requirements.


Mr. Khawar Ilyas, Director (A&P) on behalf of DG NAB (Balochistan) appreciated the efforts of B-PPRA and urged to devise mechanism for enhanced cooperation for such sessions. He also discussed various aspects of procurement process with the visiting faculty.