Islamabad (TNS) : Independence Day of Kyrgyz Republic commemorated in Pakistan



Islamabad – 31 August 2023 (Adnan Hameed): The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Pakistan organized a prestigious ceremony of the 32nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Kyrgyzstan in the federal capital Islamabad on August 31, 2023. The ceremony was attended by diplomatic community, Pakistani Govt officials, civil society and media outlets.

Syed Jamal Shah, Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture was the chief guest of the event who also cut the cake of the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of Kyrgyz Republic with Ulanbek Totuiaev, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan alongwith, Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Ambassadors of Tajikistan, Yemen, Malaysia, Vietnam and others.

The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan Mr. Ulanbek Totuiaev warmly welcomed the guests. During his opening remarks, Ulanbek elaborated the progress made by Kyrgyzstan since its establishment and talked about the bilateral relations between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. He emphasized the unique relationship between Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan, which is based on shared history and commonality of faith and culture.

Syed Jamal Shah, Federal Minister for Ministry of National Heritage and Culture graced the event as a Chief Guest. During his remarks he said Pakistan greatly valued its strong relations with Kyrgyzstan.

Federal Minister further said there is huge scope between the two countries with cultural activities. He would try his best to promote cultural linkages between the two countries. He added that Ministry of National Heritage and Culture is going to organize an event of CPEC Carvan, in which we are planning to engaged the Central Asian countries including Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz artist Ms Roza Amanova, Rector and Professor of art in the M/o Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Eurasian International University performed a tremendous instrumental show on the occasion Independence Day reception.

The event was concluded with an informal discussion with the participants and a traditional dinner.