Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has paid tribute to the bravery of martyred Major Amir Aziz and martyred Sepoy Muhammad Arif for fighting in an operation against the terrorists at Miran Shah. CM Mohsin Naqvi remarked that the martyred Major Amir Aziz and the martyred Sepoy Muhammad Arif by laying down their precious lives foiled nefarious designs of the terrorists. Mohsin Naqvi acknowledged that we salute the brave sons for sacrificing their precious lives for the sake of peace of our dear homeland.Mohsin Naqvi lauded that the martyred Major Amir Aziz and martyred Sepoy Muhammad Arif sacrificed their today for the better tomorrow of the nation. CM Mohsin Naqvi remarked that the whole nation holds in high esteem the immortal sacrifices of the martyred and the sacrifices of the martyred cannot be forgotten. CM Mohsin Naqvi has expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolence with the heirs of the martyred Major Amir Aziz and martyred Sepoy Muhammad Arif.