An operation is being conducted by the police by blocking the area. The police are completely unable to stop the growing unrest in Kandhkot district. The incidents of theft, robbery, kidnapping for ransom are increasing day by day. Last day, at the Kandhkot Malir stop, the dockers looted the passenger vehicles and kidnapped three truck drivers and fled with them to Kutch, but one truck driver managed to escape from the docks and return. On receiving the information, a heavy police force reached the spot and chased the robbers, but the hostages could not be recovered yet. Due to which the truck drivers blocked the Indus Highway at the Malheer stop by putting barriers on the road to rescue their drivers. He faced serious problems. The protestors say that if the hostages are not recovered, they will stage a nationwide strike. Ensure the recovery of the hostages so that the people here can breathe a sigh of peace. Due to the sit-in, long queues of vehicles were formed on both sides of the road while the passengers have to face serious problems.