Haripur(TNS) : * Visit of DPO Haripur to DRC.*


DPO Haripur Muhammad Umar Khan visited DRC Haripur. Met the members of DRC. Chairman DRC SSP (Rtd) Javed Iqbal briefed DPO Haripur about the ongoing cases, performance and problems faced by DRC. SP Investigation Asif Gohar was also present on this occasion.
DPO Haripur while talking to the DRC members said that the DRC members are performing a sacred duty for solving and reforming social problems. In the current situation, DRC is playing the role of the first door in the justice delivery system for social problems. People who come to the police or DRC are helpless and oppressed. It is our first duty to solve their problems in a good way and to treat all these people with happiness and morals. Your performance is commendable.