Multan(TNS): Federal Commerce Minister Gohar Ijaz and Provincial Commerce Minister SM Tanveer should prioritize national interests over personal interests


Coordinator Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Talat Sohail while talking to the media criticized the government in the strongest terms and said that the cash-generating bounty for Pakistan is a valuable foreign exchange. The government is doing nothing but jokes to increase the production of cotton which is called white gold. The Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Ministers are justifying the support price only by statements. The support price of cotton is 8500 rupees per maund of the farmer. Keeping the support price in mind, cotton Ginners have fallen victim to the stock of 734000 bales. He said that the Federal Minister of Commerce Gohar Ijaz, who is the patron-in-chief of Aptama, and the Provincial Minister of Industry, SM Tanveer, the owner of a large textile group, both claim that 12 million bales of cotton will be produced in the current season. Keeping in mind that 2 months ago, the purchase of cotton from TCP should have been started practically, but still time is being spent only with statements. Both the ministers should give priority to national interests instead of personal interests. The country’s economy will be strengthened by increasing the production of cotton. Future cotton cultivation is subject to compensation for the current crop. The direct responsibility of the purchase of cotton through TCP is on Federal Minister Gohar Ijaz and Provincial Minister SM Tanveer, so as to negate the general impression that the two ministers sit in the ministries and compromise on national interests. Prioritizing the interests of personal and loved ones.