Haripur (TNS) On the special instructions of Deputy Commissioner Haripur, Assistant Commissioner Ghazi inspected milk shops in Ghazi, and checked milk samples. Haripur (Crime Reporter) On the special instructions of Deputy Commissioner Haripur, Assistant Commissioner Ghazi inspected milk shops in Ghazi, and checked milk samples. ) On the special instructions of Deputy Commissioner Haripur, Assistant Commissioner Ghazi inspected milk shops in Ghazi, and checked milk samples. 

Haripur (Crime Reporter) On the special instructions of Deputy Commissioner Haripur, Assistant Commissioner Ghazi inspected milk shops in Ghazi, and checked milk samples.  Tests were conducted on the milk testing machine provided to Tehsil Ghazi by Mr. Aun Haider Gondal, Deputy Commissioner, Haripur, and heavy fines were imposed on the shopkeepers for adulteration.
 Later chaired a meeting with SDPO Ghazi regarding evacuation of illegal immigrants residing in Tehsil Ghazi.