Islamabad (TNS) Child marriage is a complex, serious and sensitive issue in South Punjab.


Islamabad ( saqib khan khattar) Child marriage is a complex, serious and sensitive issue in South Punjab. Although the rate of such unnatural and illegal marriages has decreased with the passage of time and circumstances, the situation is still alarming. The ritual of Wini is still alive today in some form or other in the dimensions of South Punjab. The punishment for the crime of the father, brother and the male of a family is given to a girl who is placed in front of the deceased family as a dowry for reconciliation. This ritual has been going on for centuries, through which thousands of girls have fallen. During the last ten years, about 931 marriages have been performed as this ritual.Law enforcers are zero in these areas of South Punjab. Law enforcement agencies are unable to suppress the dacoits of raw materials. So how can the law control the tribal chiefs to not allow child marriage in their area. While according to the police records, not a single FIR could be registered, although there are laws, but these laws are also in force. There is an urgent need to formulate and adopt a policy in this regard. Education, law and society are rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are inferior to boys and men.It is made worse by poverty, lack of education, harmful social norms and practices and insecurity. The ritual of Wini is not only practiced in South Punjab, but under different names, this ritual is also strongly enforced in the provinces of KPK, Sindh and Balochistan. There are rituals by which girls are given as a fine by jirga or panchayat to reconcile two families. Sometimes young girls are married to older people and this is called vini.It is a tradition that in ancient times, Jirga and Panchayat system was used to prevent enmities and killings among clans and families, and through this, such decisions were made. These decisions were made with the formal consent of the girls and the families in order to establish brotherhood in both the families so that such incidents do not happen in the future. The Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Akbar made efforts to abolish the Hindu ritual of sati and the Muslim ritual of vani or swara during his reign, but he was not completely successful.After the Mughals, the British also tried to end it, but they could not end these outdated rituals. In the tribes of the Indian subcontinent, such inhumane traditions have been going on for centuries, which may not be good for those people either. I understand that those who follow it, despite these rituals are not only prevalent in our society today, but the sad news of the lives of innocent girls being ruined due to this outdated ritual is coming to the fore. .The Wini or Swara is a custom practiced among various tribes of the country, in which young girls are given in marriage, or it may be better said, as slaves, to older members of the opposing tribe as a ransom or ransom. , so that the two families can be reconciled, the general reason for the vini or swara is reconciliation resulting from murder. The victims of which are teenage girls from four to fourteen years old, the extreme of cruelty is that these girls are married to an older person, such as a ten-year-old girl being married to an eighty-four-year-old. It has been done by an elderly person.In ancient times Jirga or Panchayat used to be held to maintain law and order in the tribes, which we can describe as indigenous judicial system. Which are still present in our tribes and are fully active. These Jirgas and Panchayats have their own rules, laws and customs. Vani or swara is also one of the rituals used for reconciliation between two families or clans, there are many other rituals like karukari, sati and test of innocence etc. Vani ritual is the saddest aspect of humanity. It is the worst humiliation which is also a complete violation of basic human rights.That is, such young oppressed girls are handed over to the enemies who have not even started their life properly, they are completely forced and oppressed and helpless and helpless so that the enemy can treat them as they want. For the sins of their father or brother, they are being handed over to their enemies to suffer life-long punishment, the life of the original sinner does not matter, but the innocent who has fallen victim to someone else’s sin. All the rest of life lives and dies daily. Even forced to live worse than animals.Everyone is aware of the environment of our villages and tribes, in a society where women do not have any social status, then how much peace and comfort will the daughter of an enemy get. While she was enslaved by foreigners at a very young age. It is an utterly inhumane abomination that cannot be condemned as much as it is. There are instances in the recent past in which dozens of girls were raped. And until it crawls on someone’s ear.There is a need for the government to take certain measures for the welfare and protection of the rights of women living in cities as well as villages and tribal areas. They should also have the freedom to live as they wish, marry and choose their life partner.