Haripur (TNS) Haripur Elections 2024-25 The Election Commission has displayed the final list of candidates after scrutiny


(Report by Malik Rizwan Chauhan)

Haripur (TNS) Press Club Haripur Elections 2024-25 The Election Commission has displayed the final list of candidates after scrutiny, there will be thorn competition among the candidates for 7 positions, while two candidates were elected unopposed, co-polling will be held on 30 December 2024 for 7 positions, according to the details of Press Club Haripur elections. The year For 2024-25, Chairman Election Commission Haji Abdul Rasheed, members Malik Saeed Akhtar, Zia-ul-Islam displayed the final list of candidates after scrutiny. The candidates were elected unopposed, while for the other 7 positions, there will be a contest for the seat of the President. There will be a close contest between Akhtar and Sardar Asif, while for the seat of Senior Vice President, Ibrar Ahmad Tanuli and Muhammad Imran, First Vice President Bakhtzade Khan and Qazi Faisal, Second Vice President Wahid Ahmad and Zeeshan Javed, for the seat of Giant Secretary Malik Arshad and Zubair Khan Swati, for Information Secretary Dr. Arshad Jamal and Timur Wajid, while for the seat of Office Secretary Naeem Awan and Sardar Abdul Qayyum. It is expected According to the Election Commission, polling for 7 positions will be held on December 30, 2024 at Press Club Haripur from 11 am to 2 pm, while the final results will be announced after the same day.