(Report by Malik Rizwan Chauhan)
Abbottabad (TNS) DIG Hazara met with the relatives of the two murdered brothers, assured full cooperation from the police. By fulfilling the demands of justice, you will be given justice, the accused will be brought to justice, Nasir Mehmood Sati. Deputy Inspector General of Police Hazara Nasir Mehmood Sati met the relatives of two brothers who were killed a few days ago in the limits of Haripur police station and assured the full cooperation of the police and raised the ranks of the deceased. Fatiha chanted for According to the details, DIG Hazara Nasir Mehmood Sati met the relatives of two brothers who were killed in police station city limits for a few days, recited Fatiha for the elevation of the deceased and asked the relatives about the performance of the police in the case. Expressed satisfaction on cooperation and performance. DIG Hazara while talking to the relatives said that the accused involved in the incident have been arrested and by fulfilling the requirements of justice they will be given full justice and the accused involved in the incident will be brought to justice if they report to the police. If you have any problems, you can come to my office. DIG Hazara also issued orders to provide complete life and financial security to the family members.