Rescue 1122 celebrates 70th independence-day


Rawalpindi, August 14 (TNS): Upon directions of the Director General, Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue – 1122) Dr. Rizwan Naseer, (SI) 70th Independence Day was celebrated in all districts of Punjab to express love and affection for homeland in befitting manner.

Special programs for the Independence Day including decorative arrangement of rescue stations, seminars for rescuers at all stations, flag hosting ceremonies, salute to the heroes of our country who rendered remarkable sacrifices for the nation have been held in all districts of Punjab.

Besides that, Punjab Emergency Service Rawalpindi has completed a decade of its services on 70th Independence Day. DG Rescue 1122 directed all DEOs to raise moral of the rescuers by giving message that they are lucky being part of noble profession which is directly related to the humanity and saving lives. He further said that rescuers must follow the quotes of Founder of Pakistan Quide e Azam “Work Work and Work” and “Unity Faith and Discipline” and ensure quality emergency services to the community without any discrimination. DG Rescue specially congratulated to Rawalpindi team on completion of a decade of excellent performance and rescuing over 1,62,604 victims of different emergencies and ensuring quality emergency services. He also highly appreciated the motivation, professionalism and passion of the administration and rescuers of District Rawalpindi.

In Rawalpindi, the District Emergency Officer, Rawalpindi Dr. Abdur Rahman along with Officers hosted Pakistani Flag at Central Rescue Station, Rawal Road Rawalpindi. He congratulated all officers and rescuers on 70th Independence Day of Pakistan and completion of a successful decade of emergency service in district Rawalpindi. He said it is honor for all of us that Rawalpindi Emergency Service Rescue 1122 has rescued over 162217 victims of emergencies during these ten years. He specially appreciated the untiring efforts of pioneers of Emergency Service Rawalpindi including Ms Deeba Shahnaz, Head of Community Safety & Information Rescue 1122 Punjab, Mr. Ali Hussain, Emergency Officer Operations, Mr Asif Salayana, Control Room Incharge, Mr Zain ul Haq, Station Coordinator, Bahria Rescue Station, Mr Rizwan Abbas, Station Coordinator Central Rescue Station and team of rescuers belongs to Basic 6th of the Service. He said this was the team who left no stone unturned. Furthermore special seminar has also been organized for the rescuers regarding Independence Day and sharing operational experience of 10 years. All Officers, station coordinators and rescuers were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, The Head, Community Safety & Information Ms. Deeba congratulated all rescuers on celebration 70th Independence Day and completion ten years of the Service. She thanked to the Founder Director General Emergency Service Dr. Rizwan Naseer, SI on behalf of all pioneer team of District Rawalpindi for his countless efforts for establishment of a comprehensive emergency management system in Pakistan and giving opportunity to all to become part of this noble profession. She also thanked to Dr Abdur Rahman District Emergency Officer Rawalpindi for continuous support, guidance and encouraging comments on completion of a decade in Service. She said it is matter of pride for all rescuers in green uniform that they saving lives, working for humanity and reason of raising Green Flag.

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