Punjab govt initiates public-toilets project across province


Lahore, August 23 (TNS): In another move for public welfare, Shahbaz Sharif led Punjab government initiated public toilets program across the province.

According to Commissioner Sargodha Nadeem Mehboob, 26 public toilets are being built in Sargodha division to facilitate the masses especially women and commuters.
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In first phase, 8 toilet complexes have already been functionalized in Sargodha city while 13 in the division.

Around 80 per cent of diseases prevalent in Pakistan – including polio, diarrhoea, jaundice, typhoid, malaria and cholera were caused by dirty water or poor sanitation.

According to a survey, about 70 per cent of the population of Punjab lives in households with access to some sanitation facilities, and 67 percent of the population has access to a flush toilet. Ninety-six percent of the population has access to sanitation facilities in urban areas, compared to 58 per cent in rural areas, the official said.