Hajj rituals kicked off as 2 million pilgrims gathered at Mina


Makkah, August 30 (TNS): Manasik-e-Hajj (Pilgrimage rituals) formally kicked off on Wednesday with the gathering of Hajis at Mina in Makkah.
Over two million faithful are gathering at the tent valley of Mina.
The Hujjaj offered Zohar, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers at Mina and will move to Arafat soon after Fajr prayers on 9th Zilhaj (Thursday) where they will listen to Hajj Khutba (sermon) to be delivered from Masjid-e-Nimra.
They will stay at Arafat till the call for Maghrib prayer.
After Azaan-e-Maghrib, the Hujjaj will leave for Muzdalfa where they will offer combined Maghrib and Isha (Maghribain) prayers and spend the night under the open sky.