Former diplomats say Basit-Aizaz row shouldn’t have been made public


ISLAMABAD, August 31 (TNS): The former diplomats forming Association of Former Ambassadors (AFA) say the differences between two senior officers of the foreign ministry i.e. Abdul Basit and Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, should not have been made public.

In a message addressed to foreign ministry, they said: “The members of AFA have noted with regret the unfortunate episode relating to a letter attributed to our former high commissioner in New Delhi Abdul Basit.

“The contents of the letter appear to have been prompted by personal differences between two officers of the Foreign Service. The language and tone of the letter was upsetting and the members were of the view that it should not have been written or made public.

“Such episodes clearly add to the difficulties of the Foreign Office, which is faced with so many challenges in the region and globally. We wish to express our solidarity with you and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has performed admirably in dealing with challenges confronting Pakistan in an extremely difficult global environment.

“We greatly appreciate and stand in solidarity with the members of the Foreign Office at the headquarters and in Pakistan’s missions abroad in carrying out their onerous responsibilities.

“We are confident that this episode will not detract you and the Foreign Office from your primary responsibility. We must all work together to enhance the capacity and protect the integrity of our institution, which we have served with great pride in our lifelong commitment to our beloved country.”

Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry termed as “disgusting” a letter written to him by former envoy to India Abdul Basit and told the former diplomat that “jealousy has no remedy.”

In his letter, Basit had slammed Chaudhry as the “worst foreign secretary ever” and blamed him for several foreign policy disasters including the Ufa joint statement with India.

Chaudhary officially did not comment on the letter but “shared his sentiments with officers of the Embassy” and confirmed for the first time that Basit’s letter was genuine.

“The letter is too rude and uncalled for. He wrongly thinks that he could not reach to the post of FS because of me. He has since retired. Jealousy has no remedy,” Chaudhry said, referring to Basit’s letter which had been making rounds on social media since Monday night.

“I have served my country to the best of my abilities.

Some of us like Basit fail to realise that life is a combination of human endeavour and fate. We have to accept in humility what life gives us and then thank the Creator for that. Mischief mongering and mud-slinging never pay in the larger scheme of things,” he said.

Chaudhry said that after the letter became public, many colleagues expressed their support and friendship to him.

“Now that the letter is on social media, I thought I should share with you my sense of disappointment at being targeted like that. I’ve decided not to respond to this disgusting letter, and leave the matter to One and Only who matters,” he added.

Basit, who was twice overlooked for the post of foreign secretary, made the harsh remarks in the letter dated July 5, 2017 and printed on his official letterhead while he still served as Pakistan’s high commissioner in New Delhi.

“The more I think the more I am convinced that you have been the worst Foreign Secretary ever,” Basit wrote in response to a farewell letter by Chaudhry which he sent to Basit on March 12 after his appointment as the ambassador of Pakistan to Washington.

Instead of wishing him good luck on his new assignment, Basit had an ominous warning in the letter: “My concern is that you would also end up being the worst Pakistan Ambassador in Washington D.C.”

Basit opted for an early retirement earlier this month and was replaced by Sohail Mahmood as the high commissioner.

It is pertinent to mention that Chaudhry was appointed as the foreign secretary by ignoring Basit.

Last month, then prime minister Nawaz Sharif had approved early retirement request by Abdul Basit as the senior diplomat ostensibly was not ready to work under his junior – Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua – who was elevated to the top bureaucratic slot in March.

Basit never gave any reason for early retirement but it was evident he was annoyed over the government’s decision to supersede him.