3 confectioneries, factory sealed for preparing substandard sweets, fake soft drinks


LAHORE/RAWALPINDI, Aug 31 (TNS): The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) sealed three confectioneries and a factory producing health hazardous soft drinks during separate actions in various cities of Punjab on Thursday.

Headed by Additional Director General (ADG), Rafia Haider, the PFA team raided two confectioneries in Nasirabad locality of Rawalpindi. The confectioneries were sealed after recovery of 410 kilogram substandard sweets which were disposed of.

Another confectionery was sealed in Faisalabad city after recovery of substandard sweets, health hazardous chemicals used in sweets and poor hygienic condition.

The PFA sealed a soft drinks factory during a raid in Haji Kot area of Lahore and disposed of 1100 bottles of substandard soft drinks recovered during the raid.

ADG Rafia Haider vowed to continue actions against substandard food commodities and said that sale of substandard food items will not be tolerated at all.