Islamabad, Sept. 7 (TNS): The heads of the Senate and National Assembly standing committees for human rights have demanded that the PM rescind a presidential medal given to Aung San Suu Kyi – the head of Myanmar’s ruling party and the de facto leader of the country – due to her failure to control or even condemn the genocide in her country.
They also called for setting up a special fund to help the Rohingya seeking refuge in Bangladesh, suspending diplomatic relations with Myanmar, boycotting Myanmarese goods, and to contact the OIC and the UN to find an immediate solution to the problem.
Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights Chairperson Nasreen Jalil in an interview said that the genocide of Rohinya Muslims has intensified in recent days and Pakistan should end trade with Myanmar in response, taking a cue from the Maldives, which has already done so.
Former president Asif Zardari had awarded a presidential award for bravery to Aung San Suu Kyi.