Punjab govt protects citizens’ rights without any distinction of religion


Lahore, Sept. 14 (TNS): Shahbaz Sharif led Punjab government protects and safeguards the fundamental human rights without any distinction of creed, race or religion.

The provincial government formulates policies to foster equality, unity, peace and harmony among all citizens with compassion and care for the oppressed segments of the society.

On directions of Chief Minister the Punjab government also refers and recommends investigations and inquiries in case of any violation of human rights.

The major functions of Minorities Affairs and Human Rights Department are:

  • To coordinate with public and private sector and institutions to promote human rights
  • To gather information, facts and reports on complaints and allegations of human rights’ violations
  • To visit police stations, prisons and jails, women and juvenile refuge centers, hospitals, factories and other Institutions and places to report to the competent authorities for necessary action against violation of human rights
  • Harmonization of laws, legislation and practices with the international human rights covenants and agreements
  • Administration of the following laws and the rules framed there-under:

Christian Marriage Act 1872

Hindu Gains of Learning Act 1930

  • Matters incidental and ancillary to the above subjects
  • Performance of Department of Minority Affairs & Human Rights Punjab
  • DISTRIBUTION OF RS. 10.91 million educational scholarship in 2008-09
  • RS 11.660 million educational scholarship for education of minority students in Toyota department in 2009-10
  • Release of fund from finance department; RS. 5 million development grant & RS 6 million non-development grant; for prosperity & development policies of minorities
  • Memorandum Of Understanding with Universities, department of social welfare, treasury department Punjab, Toyota & department of district prisons beside international welfare organization, contract with more universities will be signed
  • Allocation of RS. 1.380 million fund for universities, organizations & departments for program of awareness of human rights
  • Special focus on restoration of flood affected minorities families of southern Punjab
  • Installation of water filtration plant in Youhanabad in 2015-16 (RS. 50 million approved grant)
  • Implementation of policies & laws, monitoring of situation on human rights in province

Following are the information of Human rights

  • Formation of committee under supervision of law minister & headed by minister for human rights & minister of law mutually ;implementation on current suggestions completed
  • Formation of task force for human rights on provincial level for implementation of action plan
  • Holding of 4 committees for review on suggestions
  • Work to start in near future for increase in capacity building
  • Orders issued for amendment in policies & laws regarding human rights & making of new laws.
  • Creation of laws against sound system used for hate material in2015-16
  • Amendment in child labor laws
  • Creation of laws for violence prevention & development of women
  • Campaign for awareness of Children Criminal Amendment Act 2016
  • Creation of laws for personal laws of minorities, consultation process completed, amendment in job laws & release of scholarship
  • Amendment in laws for special persons
  • Survey held to make sure identification of transgender & increase in column in census

  • Issuance of license to regulate marriages of Christian community & bylaws created for registration in union council to make sure the implementation in concerned places
  • Increase of RS. 200 million grant for welfare & prosperity of minorities in financial year 2010-11
  • Initiation of scholarship program for deserving students from metric to professional studies (MBBS,PhD) (15000 for matric,Olevel students, 50000 for MBBS & 20000 annual scholarship for FA/FSc students)
  • Distribution of certificates among 100 Christian prisoners in central prison Kot Lakh pat .6 months discount in detention for Christian prisoners among completing religious course
  • Telephone booth in prison, construction of shades for shadow & installation of water coolers.
  • 2 million spent on renovation of historic Krishna temple for hindu community in Lahore
  • Formation of Shamshan pier for Hindus & Sikhs in Narowal, Special focus on looking after of graveyard of minorities
  • Release of special grant for religious festivals of Holi/Diwali & Christmas
  • Distribution of RS. 90 million Christmas grant among Christian community during last 4 yearS
  • Distribution of special grant on religious festivals of Sikh, Hindu & Christian community living in Punjab
  • 120 million allocated for financial year 2015-16 overall,30 million grant for Christmas every year & 40 million grant annually for Holi
  • 5% quota allocated for minorities in government jobs, according to which more than 5000 youngsters were given jobs in government institutions
  • Distribution of 112 million scholarship among deserving MINORITY STUDENTS FROM 2010-11 TO 2016-17


  • International Convention on the Elimincation of All Form of Racial Discrimination
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights
  • International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights