Summary moves to PM to increase rental ceiling up to 70


ISLAMANAD, Sep 14 (TNS): Ministry of Housing and Works had moved a summary to Prime Minister to increase rental ceiling of the federal government employee’s up to 70%.

In a written reply the ministry said, that a summary had been submitted to the Prime Minister through Finance Division on August 11 and notification in this regard will be issued soon after the approval.

The document further said, rental ceiling for the government employees was increased upto 35% during the year 2014-15.A summary for 100% increase in rental ceiling was moved through Finance Division in the year 2014-15 while the division recommended 35% increase.

Another summary was moved in May, 2015 for enhancement of remaining 65% which was not recommended by Finance Division and Prime Minister Office also endorsed the recommendations of the Division.

The ministry further said, that 2.5% quota is reserved for serving employees and 0.5% quota is reserved for retired employees of constitutional bodies in Housing Scheme, Phase-VII Sector F-14/ and F-15.

Plot numbers will be allocated after the balloting. As per terms and conditions of the scheme, allotments had been issued to retired employees of constitutional bodies on the basis of wage-wise seniority in respect of their departments.

Allotment letters will be issued to remaining employees as per age-wise seniority on availability of plots.

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