Striking achievements of Shehbaz Sharif for creating environment most conducive to labour welfare


Punjab government has launched many new initiatives in tune with the Chief Minister’s approach i.e. Reform to Transform. The key priority areas are employment generation, ensuring job security, wage security and social security to the workforce of the province, bringing transparency and accountability in enforcement of Labour Laws and above all upholding the dignity of labour.

LAHORE Sep 16 (TNS): Under the gifted leadership of Chief Minister Punjab Shehbaz Sharif, Labour and Human Resource Department promoted the welfare of labour force and workmen and protected their rights. The CM Punjab remained deeply concerned with the promotion of healthy labour management and industrial relations for greater socio-economic progress and development. He laid equal stress on their housing, health, safety and protection in order to make them more committed to their work. He also took measures for prevention of child and bonded labour keeping in view the national and international standards.

The Wages Board Punjab is a wing of Punjab Labour and Human Resource Department Minimum which is a Statutory Body established under the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961. It was established on 1st July, 1970 after dissolution of the West Pakistan Minimum Wages Board established in February, 1962, Minimum Wages Board Comprises of a Chairman (Secretary Labour and Human Resource is ex-officio  the Chairman of the Board), a Secretary (BS-18), one Research and Statistical Officer (BS-17).

The core purpose of the establishment of the Minimum Wages Board was to recommend minimum rates of wages for all classes of workers (skilled and unskilled etc.) in any grade in any particular industry and recovery of their rights.  In 2015-16 the monthly wage of Rs13000 was allocated for a labour and in 2016-17 the amount was raised to Rs14000.

Labour Courts were established in the Province of Punjab as a result of promulgation of Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 (PIRA-2010). For this purpose, 11 Labour Courts have been established in the Province keeping in view the number of Industrial Workers. There are two Labour Courts which have been established in Lahore and one court has been established each in Ferozewala (Sheikhupura), Faisalabad, Sargodha, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur, Multan, Sahiwal and D.G.Khan.

There are 2 Appellate Authority over these Labour Courts called Punjab Labour Appellate Tribunal, which is working at Lahore and Multan. The Appellate Tribunal, keeping in view the exigency of work, undertakes the tours of various Divisions.

The District and Sessions Judges and Additional district and Sessions Judges whose services are borrowed from the High Court are appointed as Presiding Officers of these Courts. The individual workers, collective bargaining agents and the employers can invoke the jurisdiction of these courts for the redressed of their grievances. These Courts adjudicate upon the PIRA-2010.

Under the Punjab Welfare Department, Punjab Employment Trend Report, Labour Inspection Systems were computerized and Market Information and Resource Center was established for the online job portal facility. The collective cost of the project was Rs65.272 million.

Appreciative steps have been taken by the department to eradicate Child Labour. A project was formulated at the cost of Rs180.832 million and district coordination committee was also formed. Under the project Non Formal and Literacy Center was established. Two thousand children less than 14 year age were enrolled in schools and more two thousand were admitted in schools above the age 14 years.

For providing healthy jobs to children 50 model work places were established. 4200 children were admitted in 120 Non Formal and Literacy Centers established with the cooperation NGOs. Literacy and Skill Development Centers were established in four phases; in first 2000 children were given training and established 40 centers. Further 61 various spots were allocated for the establishment of Model Work places in 4 districts of Punjab.

To eradicate the trend of forced work the Labour and Human Resource Department has taken exemplary steps. For the purpose a project has been designed for the 4 districts of Punjab and the duration of the project is 2012 to 2018 and the allocated cost is Rs196.987 million.

Under the project 200 Non Formal Education Centers have been established where 6267 children were admitted, 1432 brick kiln labours were issued Identity Cards and to provide the birth certificate to the children of 2590 labours’ lists were issued. In 36 districts of Punjab the project to remove the trend of forced work a project was launched. The project duration is 2014-2011 and the cost of the project is Rs5159.629 million.

In all districts model work places were established and in 9 district Coordination Committees were formed. CNIC card for brick kiln labours and birth certificates for their children were issued. In 10 districts 29 Model Non Formal Education Centers were established.

The Punjab Restriction on Employment of Children Act 2016 was approved to restrict the employment of adolescents in certain occupations like brick kilns. A survey was conducted by the urban unit to find out the numbers of labour children, 56000 children were admitted in schools; the families were helped through the distribution of service cards. Monthly Rs2000 per family and Rs1000 each child was allocated by the department. A total of Rs85.45 million was distributed through Khidmat Cards and total of 33000 children were benefited.

The Punjab Labour survey was conducted by the Labour and Human department which was completed in 18 months. The expected cost of the project is Rs14.187 million while Rs65.187 million have already been issued while Rs50 million was contributed by the UNICEF. The project has been implemented and monitored.

The Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI) is an autonomous body under the administrative control of Labour & Human Resource Department under the Punjab Government Rules of Business, 1974 established through the Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance, 1965. Provision of health facilities to the workers and their dependents is covered under the Provincial Social Security Laws.

The Medical Facilities include comprehensive medical treatment in the Social Security Hospitals and the facilities not available in Social Security Hospitals are arranged through other hospitals at the cost of Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI) wherever those be available. In case, the required facilities are not available within the country, the same are managed abroad to cater to the health requirements of the Secured Persons.

PESSI established Gyne ward in social security hospital in Kot Lakhpat at the cost of Rs6.2 million. A block was constructed in social security hospital Madina Town Faisalabad at the cost of Rs22.91 million while 2 more blocks were built at the cost of Rs29.19 million.

A warehouse was constructed on Defense Road Lahore at the cost of Rs28.11 million. A social security directorate was constructed in Sheikhupura at the cost of Rs28.11 million and 50 beds hospital was also constructed at the cost of Rs23.4 million. A social security directorate was constructed in Labour colony defense road Lahore at the cost of Rs20.13 million. Maternity health care center was established in Faisalabad at the cost of Rs98.75 million. A learning and resource center was established in NSSSH Lahore at the cost of Rs3.81 million and water supply lines were changed at the cost of Rs1.49.

Under Punjab Workers Welfare Board Labour complex Board Multan was established at the cost of Rs3017.847, Labor colony at the cost of Rs926.126, boys and girls school in DG Khan at the cost of Rs211.180, Primary school Sher Bengal Shahdra was constructed at the cost of Rs185.460 million and Dandot primary school Jehlum was constructed at the cost of Rs46.781 million.

New projects include the approval of the establishment of phase-I & II of Workers Welfare Complex Sunder Industrial State Kasoor at the cost of Rs7781.87, Workers Welfare Complex Taxila, Rawalpindi, Labour colony Quaid-i-Azam park district Sheikhpura, Labour colony Multan at the cost of 3017.847.

Moreover, the children working in bricks kilns have been given the safety, in this regard more than 785 child lobourers’ parents were arrested and 721 FIRs were registered as they made the minors work there.

The first provincial labour policy was approved in April 4, 2015 under which better working place were provided to the labour force, child and forced labour was eradicated and social security benefits of the labours were extended.