Spectacular display of Door of Khanna Kaaba and Ghailaff-e-Kaaba at Saudi embassy


ISLAMABAD, Oct. 4 (TNS): Embassy of Kingdom, Saudi Arabia held a spectacular exhibition of Door of Khanna Kaaba and Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba here on Wednesday at a Business mall.

The Saudi King has given special permission for sending the recently changed Door and Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba to Pakistan.

Before opening it to the general public, the exhibition was formally inaugurated by Secretary General Motamar Al-Alam Al-Aslami senator Raja Zafarul Haq and acting ambassador of the Saudi Arabia Habibullah Al-Bukhari.

The acting ambassador also handed over a key of Khana Kabba to the Raja Zafarul Haq as a mark of respect and love towards the people of Pakistan.

Raja Zafarul Haq in his brief remarks on the occasion thanked the Saudi King for his goodwill gesture to the people of Pakistan.

This is a great honour and blessings for them to have their glimpses. He hoped that such exhibitions will promote friendly ties between the two countries at people-to-people level.

The acting ambassador said, that the landmark exhibition at the Centaurus Mall will provide the visitors an opportunity to witness sacred Door and Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba.

The display features ‘Ghilaf-e-Kaaba’ and more than twenty oldest Qura’anic manuscripts produced from various countries including Turkey, Afghanistan, China, Kashmir and Iran.

Celebrated for their superb calligraphy and lavish golden illumination, these manuscripts span almost 700 years of history — from 14th century Quran Written in ‘Khat e Bihar’, Persian ‘Dalail-al-Khayrat’ in 17th century, ‘Safvi’ period Holy Quran in 16th century, Holy Quran written in Gold by Mughals in 17th century, verses in Chinese with stamp to 18th century Holy Quran written in Kashmiri and many other oldest scripts.

This exhibition to be continued for 25 days will show the visitors stories of these extraordinary scripts and their makers. Visitors will come to know how the Holy Qur’an was actually transformed from an orally transmitted message to the illuminated written form.