Arabic Language can play key role in Unity of Umma: Saudi Ambassador


ISLAMABAD, Oct 18 (TNS): Saudi ambassador Nawaf Saeed Ahmed Al-Malkiy said that Arabic language can play an effective role for the unity among Muslim Ummah. He was addressing on the inaugural session of the two days international conference on

“Development of Arabic Prose in the 2nd Half of 20th Century” as a Chief Guest organized by the Arabic Department of the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) here on Wednesday. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have deep bilateral relations and Saudi Arabia will further increase relations with Pakistan in every field specially in the education sector. He said every effort will be taken to bring Muslim Ummah at one platform.

Director General NUML Brig Muhammad Ibrahim, Dean Languages Dr Safeer Awan, Registrar, Directors, national and international scholars, HoDs, faculty and a large number of students attended the inaugural session. The ambassador said that the topic of the conference is development of Arabic prose is very rich area for research and NUML must be appreciated for organizing international conference on the said topic.

He said people of the both countries have strong cordial and spiritual relations with each other and his country will take every possible step to further enhance the relations between two countries. Earlier, Director General NUML Brig Muhammad Ibrahim welcomed the honourable guest and said that every Muslim has strong connection with Arabic is the language of the Holy Book Quran and the Hadiths that’s why they have special interest in this language.

He said literature has no boundaries and it keeps travelling from place to place and Arabic prose in 20th century went through many transformations.

He thanked the honourable chief guest and all worthy guests from other countries and from Pakistan for participating in this conference. In two days conference 22 research scholars from Qatar, Brunai Dara ul Salam, Jordon, Egypt, UAE and Pakistan will present their papers.