Islamabad Zoo offers best recreation for all


ISLAMABAD, Oct 22 (TNS): Located near Peer Suhawa Road, Islamabad Zoo cum Public Park is among few best places in the capital which offers best recreation for all age groups.

Zoo was established in 1978 and is spread over an area of 82 acres. Providing care and shelter to the most brilliant wildlife species, this zoo is visited daily by hundreds of people from twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad beside many from rest of the country.

An aviary and a Japanese garden were added to the premises, which significantly contributed to its tourism. The 2008 plan of Capital Development Authority to update and expand the zoo has converted it into a recreational center and a wildlife sanctuary.

Some of the animals and birds that are home here are loins, leopards, spotted deer, Indian gazelle, black swan, golden pheasant, great white pelican, Indian eagle-owl, nilgai (blue cow or Boselaphus tragocamelus) and black pond turtle.

Islamabad Zoo is also having great attractions for all family members including variety of rides and food shops