Video of Reham Khan’s visit to Deosai National Park going viral


DEOSAI OCT 28 (TNS):  Video of TV anchorperson and film producer Reham Khan’s visit to Deosai National Park posted on the social media is going viral.

Khan said that somebody had promised her a recreational tour of Deosai but promises made by majority of the Pakistani men are mere lip-service.

She said that she arranged a trip this year for herself and that the girls should take their lives in their hands and make decisions for themselves.

Deosai Plains or Deosai National Park in Gilgit-Baltistan borders Karakoram and is 4,000 metres above sea level at all points.

‘Deo’ means giant while ‘Sai’ meaning shadow keeps the myth of the gone days alive; land of the giants. The place is largely uninhabited owing to harsh environment in winters and wildlife.

Former broadcast journalist at BBC, Rehman Khan had moved to Pakistan in 2013 and married Imran Khan in 2015 only to part ways nine months on. She has three children with her first husband whom she had accused of domestic violence during the time she was in Britain.