ISLAMABAD Nov 01 (TNS): Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday strongly condemned the suicide attack which took place in Kabul’s diplomatic enclave on October 31.
The statement reaffirmed Pakistan’s solidarity with Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism and conveyed the nation’s well wishes and prayers for the victims of the attack.
The press release issued also highlighted the need for cooperation between states for the collective eradication of terrorism.
On October 31, 2017, a suicide bomber believed to be as young as 12 struck Kabul’s heavily fortified diplomatic quarter and killed at least four people, showing that militants can still hit the heart of the city despite tighter security.
It was the first attack targeting the Afghan capital’s ‘Green Zone’ since a massive truck bomb ripped through the area on May 31, killing or wounding hundreds, and prompting authorities to strengthen protection.
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which follows a spate of suicide assaults by Taliban and IS insurgents on security installations and mosques in recent weeks.