Countless students benefit from PM’s Laptop Scheme; attracts foreign investment, helps save Rs 1.4 billion


ISLAMABAD Nov 10 (TNS): The project of Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme has positively contributed to Pakistan’s grass domestic project (GDP) by attracting international vendor to invest in Pakistan besides saving smart amount of Rs 1429.70 million (Rs 1.4 billion) in the project as well.

The project has also promoted outreach of youth to information and communication technologies (ICTs) as well as to bridge divide within the communities throughout the country.

Per official documents, the expected cost of the project is 19905.79 million with FEC Rs.16, 768.143 million out of the approved cost Rs. 21,335.498 with FEC Rs. 16,918.944 million of 400,000 laptops. And the expected saving in this regard is Rs. 1,429.70 million including FEC US$ 6.48 million. While estimating the cost of laptops, General Sale Tax (GST) 17% was added on the import of laptops.

The Federal Government provided relief and exempted GST on import of laptops due to which unit cost of laptops has decreased. The project has positively contributed to Pakistan’s GDP by facilitating international vender to invest in Pakistan and establish local assembling unit at Pakistan. The proposal also stated that out of total assembly of 150,000 laptops have been completed successfully as per decision of ECNEC.

The project objective is to promote outreach of youth to information and communication technologies (ICT’s) as well as to bridge the digital divide within the communities throughout the country. Prime Minister’s Laptop scheme was approved ECNEC in its meeting held on April, 10 2015 at capital cost of Rs.21, 335.498 million with FEC Rs.16, 918.944 million for a period of 48 months. And administrative approval was issued on April 21, 2015.

As far as the concerns about financial status of the project, Rs 16,048.026 million has been released up to FY 2016-17 out of approved cost and Rs. 14,977.661 million has been utilized so far. The physical progress in the regard includes procurement and distribution of total 400,000 laptops.  Against the total target of 400,000 laptops distribution, 200,000 laptops have been distributed and out of the total number of laptops, a contract has been signed for another 200,000 laptops.

The letter of the credit for 100,000 has been opened and LC for remaining 100,000 laptops will be opened.  The sponsoring agency has requested for utilizing savings for additional laptops, which will result in 6-8% more physical scope without proving any financial burden.

The slight adjustment of FEC has also been requested. The higher education commission has requested permission to utilize the expected saving of Rs. 1,429.70 million for procuring additional laptops for the eligible students (25,000 to32,000).The matter to procure additional laptop out of saving was referred to the project steering committee who recommended that savings be utilized to procure additional laptops.

The report also stated that proposal seems viable and may be recommended to ECNEC for final approval. As per directives of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the National Programmed for provision of laptops was launched for the bright and talented young students studying at public sector higher education institute, Government polytechnic institutes and Government graduate and postgraduate colleges of Fata and ICT.