Govt to be approached to declare journalism as fourth pillar: Nawab Taimur Talpur


KARACHI Nov 14 (TNS): Speakers at a seminar on ” Importance of Media in Promoting Inter Provincial Harmony”  have shown their agreement on a point that media in our country is losing neutrality at very fast pace and if this trend continued four to five years it will lose its credibility that would be devastating for society.

Speakers have called upon stakeholders to take notice of this alarming trend and take immediate steps to discourage non professionalism and anti-journalism trends to save this nation building institution.

The seminar was organized by Interprovincial Coordination Department government of Sindh at local hotel. Special Assistant to Chief Minister Sindh for Inter-Provincial Coordination Department Nawab Taimor Talpur was the chief guest of the seminar.

Addressing the seminar senior journalists and former President Karachi Press Club Imtiaz Khan Farhan said that executive, judiciary and armed forces have been mentioned as three pillars of state in constitution of Pakistan; however journalism is not given the status of fourth pillar officially. He was of opinion that media and journalism are two different subjects and added that journalists are performing their responsibilities.

Farhan added that political, cultural and economic gap between the federating units widened and said that media should play its role for the Pakistan. He said that constant dialogue process should be started among the people of Pakistan to bring them close to each other and IPC ministry’s role is very vital in this regard, however, the ministry has limited resources and powers. He appreciated IPC department for holding this dialogue and suggested experts and scholars from other part of country should have been invited.

Prof. Azadi Burfat said that cultural diversity is beauty of Pakistan .Issues among the people emerged in diversity and she stressed that harmony amongst the federating units need of hour for the progress of country. She said that our media is losing neutrality and if this trend continued for four to five years it will lose its credibility which will be devastating for the development of society and deprive people of nation building institution. She said that it is the responsibility media to give equal importance to issues and problems of every city and part of country and added that main stream media only focus on Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad for ratings. She said that media is creating hype and fear. We scared even to visit our own cities Peshawar and Quetta however, when we visit these cities people are living normal life and asked about Karachi’s law and order.

On the occasion, Special Assistant to Chief Minister Sindh for Inter Provincial Coordination Nawab Taimor Talpur announced that federal government would be approached to declare journalism as fourth pillar of state officially.  He said that he will apprise Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah regarding this demanded of journalist community to raise this matter at federal level.

He was of view that Interprovincial Coordination Department is an important arm of the governments of all federating units after Council of Common Interest; however IPC department of federal government and in all provinces remained unsuccessful in achieving targets as envisaged at a time of their formation for one reason or another.

Nawab Taimor Talpur announced to organize a dialogue of media persons soon for promoting harmony amongst the federating units and added guests from Punjab, KPK, Baluchistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir would be invited. Secretary IPC Shariq Ahmed, civil society activist Fozia Khan and others also spoke on the occasion.

Senior journalists, civil society representatives and officials of inter provincial coordination department attended the seminar. At the end, Special Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister Nawab Taimur Talpur gave away shields to speakers and organizers of the seminar.