Punjab govt adopts successful model of Public Sector Companies


Lahore, Nov. 19 (TNS): Shahbaz Sharif led Punjab government is not only conscious of its international obligations but is equally dedicated to its duty towards the people of the province.
In 1980s, concept of Public Sector Companies applied in many countries including UK, Germany and Canada.

Taking that successful model, Government of Punjab adopted the same concept of Public Sector Companies and today 52 Public Sector Companies are working across the province where more than 12,500 highly professionals serving the masses.
Punjab is showing better progress as compared to other provinces and which are at similar levels of socio-economic conditions as in many south Asian countries. The province is also far better with the right policies and strategies.

The Growth Strategy 2018 also provides the key instruments to be followed for its implementation. The public funds committed under the MTDF are the first source to fund the activities under the Sector Plan. Secondly the option of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) is to be explored for such activities which can be undertaken in this mode.
The parameters of Punjab Health Sector Plan 2018 have been defined by two key documents; Pakistan Vision 2025 and Punjab Growth Strategy 2018. Pakistan Vision 2025 envisions the investments in social sector including Health and nutrition as key to enhance human capabilities.

Pillar 1 of the Framework for Growth and Development of the Vision 2025 acknowledges the necessity to scale up the investments in social sector including health.
These investments in turn would ensure social inclusion and equal access to opportunities particularly by the marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the society.
The Vision views this as mandatory condition for the inclusive growth which is one of the pillars of the long term strategy, as the healthy and educated population is more likely to have access to the economic opportunities.

Under this pillar, targets under 3 relevant indicators have been provided to be achieved by 2025: i. Increase proportion of population with access to improved sanitation to 90% ii. Reduce infant mortality rate to less than 40 (per 1000 births) and reduce maternal mortality rate to less than 140 (per 1000 births).

Taking lead from this macro framework, the Punjab Growth Strategy 2018 places equal emphasis on accelerating economic growth and social outcomes. By doing so it recognizes the inseparable link between the two. The Health Sector Plan is embedded into the Punjab Growth Strategy 2018 and the later provides clear direction and broad parameters that are to be followed by the Sector Plan.

The economic argument for investment in health and consequently improved maternal, newborn and child health starts from saving money in more than one way. The household are less likely to spend money on healthcare when the women and children are healthier. This is especially important for poor people, because in a developing country like Pakistan it often means selling assets including productive assets and thus, increasing the poverty of the household. However, this saving is just one aspect.
As healthier people can work more productively, it also saves work days lost during illness. More productivity means more contribution into economy. Similarly the investment in children health results into an increase in the proportion of the population that survives to working age, which in turn contributes to economic growth.
The Strategy provides that relevant Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be the outcomes for health. Efforts will be made to achieve the MDG targets by 2015 but not later than 2018. Consequently the following table provides the outcomes, outcome indicators, baseline, and targets.

Health department is responsible for first three outcomes, relating to child and maternal health and incidence of specific diseases. Population Welfare department is responsible for only two indicators of the second outcome. The responsibility here is specific and measureable by different outcome indicators.