Body approves amendment in Pakistan Tobacco Board Ordinance


ISLAMABAD Dec 08 (TNS):  Senate Standing Committee on Commerce and Textile Industry in its meeting has approved the amendment proposed by the Commerce Division in  “The Pakistan Tobacco Board Ordinance, 1968, and  consequentially “The Pakistan Tobacco Board (Amendment) Bill, 2017” was passed by the Committee.

The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Shibli Faraz at the Parliament House in Islamabad and was attended among others by Senators Mufti Abdul Sattar, Saud Majeed, Saleem Mandviwala, Naseema Ehsan, Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, Secretary Commerce and officials from Pakistan Tobacco Board.

The proposed amendment deals with the definition of Tobacco in the said ordinance. The existing definition of Tobacco goes, “the commodity which is made from the leaves of plant Nicotiana Tobaccum or Nicotiana Rustica and is commonly known as Tobacco and includes adjacent tender stalks or green tobacco but does not include tobacco waste”.

The definition will be replaced as “the commodity made from any part of the plant Nicotiana Tobaccum or Nicotiana Rustica  used or consumed in the manufacture of cigarettes or any other tobacco product or by-product through any other modes, forms and processes”.