BRUSSELS Dec 11 (TNS): Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed has said, Indian state terrorism in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) has caused escalation of hatred and severe extremism in the region.
He was speaking at a panel debate against hate at Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus-Senftenberg in Germany.
The discussion was organized by a German civil society organization “Schluss mit Hass” headed by human right activists Ms Irmela Mensah Schramm and Mr Mathias Tretschog. Extremism in the context of Kashmir, Yamen and other regions as well as racism in Germany and other European countries were also discussed during the one-day discourse title, “Do Not Give More Chance to Hate”.
Topic of Mr Ali Raza Syed’s speech was “Save Kashmir” as he said it is India which spread violence and hatred in order to continue its illegal rule on Kashmir. Innocent and oppressed people of Kashmir became target of its state brutalities. It is important to know that beside the atrocities committed by the Indian forces, people of Kashmir are deprived of their basic right by New Delhi for seven decades. A large number of Kashmiris lost their lives in the Indian state terrorism committed by its occupation forces. Thousands of men became forced disappeared and thousands of women targeted in brutal sex assaults. Last year, hundreds of the people specially youth became blind in the pellet guns used by Indian security forces in IHK.
He said International community can stop hate and extremism in the region, if India is forced by the community to stop its state terrorism in IHK. World should know about the Indian brutalities in IHK. International Community should expose Indian real face and its so-called claim of largest democracy of the world.
Ali Raza Syed said, not only Kashmir while minorities and other small communities in India are also not safe from the discriminated policies of current Indian government and negative attitude of elite class in India. Particularly, present Indian government led by Prime Minister Nerandra Modi extremely promoted the hatred and extremism in the country.
Chairman Kashmir Council EU has demanded that all of the contemporary issues and disputes including Kashmir should be resolved peacefully, because peaceful resolution of the problems could give a chance to peace and harmony and as well as it is a great motivation to stop hate and extremism in the world.
He said, peace is very important for world development as America, Europe and Japan gained prosperity in a peaceful environment. Hate and extremism does not allow to a nation and state to be prospered. Hatred and extremism are the elements which eliminate the society like an evil pest.
Chairman KC-EU expressed solitarily with the oppressed people of the world and asked all nations of the world say “No to Hatred and Extremism”.