NDMA, BISP and WFP join hands


ISLAMABAD Dec 16 (TNS): Minister of State and Chairperson BISP MNA Marvi Memon and Secretary BISP Omar Hamid Khan participated in a high level ‘Consultative Meeting of Shock Responsive Social Protection’ organized by World Food Programme (WFP), a technical advisor and development partner of Government of Pakistan.

Acting Country Head WFP Ms. Katrien Anna M. Ghoos, Head of Nutrition WFP Ms. Cecilia Garze, and Member Operations NDMA Brig. Mukhtar Ahmed were also present in the Consultative Meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to bring the relevant key Disaster Risk Management, Humanitarian and Social Protection actors together to share views on how effective coordination mechanisms and institutional arrangements can be established to accelerate the move towards shock responsive social protection systems in the country.

In the meeting, WFP presented the finding of Oxford Policy Management Institute (OPMI) report which unfolds the nexus between disaster relief and social protection system in Pakistan. The presentation identified several strategies for transforming standalone cash based emergency responses to a systematic shock responsive platform by leveraging existing safety net programmes, their underlying systems and partnerships.

During the discussion, the participants from BISP and NDMA described the roles of their organizations in the emergency situations and deliberated the way forward for aligning the efforts through coordination mechanisms among organizations and institutional arrangements which would enhance the impact of emergency responses in all its phases, without missing any key actor and avoiding duplication of efforts. It was stressed that role of social protection in disaster response needs to be articulated implying a pivotal role of BISP along with NDMA, PDMAs and other stakeholders.

Secretary BISP opined that it was high time to adopt coordinated mechanisms as the risk of covariate shocks in the form of natural hazards is particularly high in Pakistan. He suggested that BISP, NDMA and WFP, on priority basis, need to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for developing institutional arrangements for coordinated disaster response. In the meantime, BISP and NDMA could work out the data sets of the populations which are prone to disasters as BISP is the custodian of National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) of more than 155 million populations with GPS reading. The participants appreciated the recommendation and the representative of NDMA indicated the possibility of the MoU after in-house review of the proposal.

Chairperson BISP, in her concluding remarks, stated that Pakistan has good institutions in place for disaster response but there is a need to learn from international experience and institutionalize a coordinated set up with all the necessary components of disaster response. She recommended constituting a technical group comprising of all the stakeholders like BISP, NDMA, PDMAs, Ministry of Climate Change and Meteorological Department at federal, provincial and regional level including AJ&K, FATA and GB. The recommended technical group could delineate the details of cooperation mechanism and necessary institutional arrangements. She also stressed upon disaster response on an equitable basis for all regions and communities in the country.


At the conclusion of the meeting, Secretary BISP, Acting Country Head WFP and NDMA representative undertook signing of “Commitment Certificate.”