Urdu Carol sung at Christmas Ceremony at Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore


ISLAMABAD Dec 16 (TNS): Mr. Nasrullah Khan, High Commissioner to Singapore represented Pakistan at a colourful gala ceremony held here to celebrate in a befitting manner the birth of Christ and the coming Christmas, says a press release received here today from Singapore.

A large number of diplomats, Government officials and Singaporean from different walks of life, professing various religious backgrounds gathered at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd for an evening of festivity and celebrations.

Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Singapore Mr. Nasrullah Khan participated by placing Pakistan’s flag on the Christmas tree set up by the Church on the occasion.

The highlight of the evening was Christmas carols sung in many languages including Urdu. The walls of the church reverberated with the rhythmic sounds of “Aha Yesu Aya Zamin Par”.

The carols were sung by the Cathedral Choir of the Risen Christ.