Irregularities in land allotment: CDA Director, Deputy Director Land removed from posts


ISLAMABAD Dec 18 (TNS): CDA Director Land Irfanullh and Deputy Director Land Rana Farhan have been removed from their posts for alleged Irregularities in land allotment and have been asked to report to HRD.

Chairman CDA Sheikh Ansar Aziz took action for violation of rules and regulations.

CDA’s Land Directorates has made many headlines over the last three years for corruption allegations.

Reports have emerged that officials of the directorate would connive with property dealers, who would purchase the files of those who were to be allotted alternative plots in return for the one taken over by the CDA for nominal rates.

The property dealers would then be allotted choice plots which would be sold for millions later. CDA officials would purposely delay the cases of those who were to be allotted an alternative plot so that they would sell their file to a property dealer.