New Delhi, Dec. 21 (TNS): In a first, India’s IT industry has joined hands with Chinese authorities to establish the business equivalent of a marriage portal.
The matchmaking platform will help Indian companies to obtain contracts at a time when they are facing reverses in their biggest market, the US.
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) has entered into an agreement to establish the online platform which will connect companies from the two countries and provide legal and infrastructure support to Indian firms coming to China for the first time.
“This partnership with the government of Dalian will help us create a platform where companies from India and China can co-develop for global markets leveraging their respective strengths in hardware and software,” NASSCOM Senior Director Gagan Sabharwal said at a conference in Dalian on Wednesday.
Only 17 of the 2200 NASSCOM members have established a presence in China leaving the vast Chinese market largely untapped by the Indian software industry which has been largely focussed on the US and Europe. The few Indian software companies that operate in China usually target the business of multinationals and rarely connect with Chinese firms.
The e-platform expects to help about 25 Indian firms find business opportunities in China in the first year of its operations. These companies are expected to establish offices with software engineers and marketing staff in Dalian. The platform will grasp requirements of diverse companies in the two countries and match them using Artificial Intelligence.