WASHINGTON Dec 23 (TNS): Reacting to United States Vice President Mike Pence’s remarks about Pakistan, the country’s ambassador in Washington Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said what Pakistan has done in the fight against terrorism is obvious to the world.
He said Pakistan has played a positive role for regional peace and stability.
Aizaz said terrorists were running away from the country as security forces have tightened noose around them.
He stressed the need that better relations between the US and Pakistan are vital for regional peace. “Pakistan is bearing the brunt of instability in neighboring Afghanistan, where a lot is required to be done for peace and stability,” he added.
He demanded that the US should back Pakistan for defeating militants in the region.
During his surprise visit to Kabul, the US vice president repeated President Donald Trump’s allegations saying it has much to lose by harbouring “criminals and terrorists.”
Echoing Trump’s accusations when he unveiled the new strategy, Pence had sharp words for Pakistan, which he said had provided safe haven to the Taliban and other groups for too long.
“Those days are over,” Pence said. Pakistan had much to gain from partnering with the United States, and much to lose by harboring “criminals and terrorists,” he said at Bagram.
Pence arrived on a military plane at Bagram Airfield under the cover of darkness on Thursday night. He then flew by helicopter to Kabul, where he met President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah at the presidential palace.