Afghan Senators Criticize border Fencing by Pakistan


Kabul, Dec. 24 (TNS): The Upper House of Afghan Parliament-Senate House summoned the officials of Ministry of Defense, Interior, National Security and Local Organs regarding the current challenges in border areas with Pakistan, particularly fencing along the border, Afghan media reported on Sunday.

Afghan Senators have declared that Pakistan fencing along the Durand line is an obvious intervention, but the government does not take any measure to prevent this action.

Pakistan and Afghanistan regularly accuse each other of sheltering their enemy insurgents. Both sides, however, deny such an allegation.

“The Durand Line has become a cancerous wound. As long as we fail to provide our national interests, we cannot solve the Durand issue,” said Senator Gul Ahmad Azami.

“Fencing the border areas by Pakistan is an obvious violation to our privacy. We should not allow Pakistan to continue interfering in our borders,” said Senator Gulalay Akbari.

In the meantime, Afghan Interior minister noted that the Afghan government has repeatedly called on Pakistan to stop border interventions, but the country has not addressed the issue.

“Fencing by Pakistan is not the solution for preventing terrorist activities. The Terrorist safe hideouts should be targeted. The Durand line issue should be solved which is a big challenge,” blamed Wais Ahmad Barmak, the interior minister.

The deputy minister of defense, Hellaluddin Helal added, “Pakistan is trying to strengthening its influential military areas with fencing the border areas. The Afghan government is ready for direct talks with Pakistan to solve this issue.”

This comes as the officials of foreign ministry and Security Council adviser who have also summoned for accountability did not attend session and sparked senators’ criticisms.