Roshan Pakistan’ app provides real-time electricity billing, supply info


ISLAMABAD Dec 29 (TNS):  Recently launched Android-based app “Roshan Pakistan” is successfully providing information to the users about real-time electricity billing and supply situation of any public sector distribution company.

Power Division on Tuesday launched the mobile app, through this, for the first time, the government has given access of information to the public for maintaining transparency and provision of accurate information.

Roshan Pakistan app is available in two versions i.e. English and Urdu.

That app features various option for the convenience of users. It has four main features, which includes the load-shedding schedule, billing information, net metering and bill calculator, an official told state run media.

He said users can easily view planned load-shedding schedule and actual load-shedding.

The app will allow users to avail the facility of Net-Metering at their respective feeder by just entering Reference No, he added.