Fossil of 33-million-year-old creature discovered in Pakistan


Washington, Jan. 1 (TNS): The skull of an animal, belonging to the family of extinct creatures known as anthracotheres, has been found in SohawaJhelum District of Punjab province, an international science journal reported on Monday.

The fossil weighs 10 kilogrammes and is one foot long. It is believed to be 33 million years old, the reports added.

It was found by Punjab University’s research scholar Ghayyur Abbas and field guides Chaudhry Abid Hussain and Mehtab Khan. The fossil will be examined at the Punjab University.

Sohawa is a hotbed for fossils, with many other discoveries made there in recent years.
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Earlier, the skulls of a nine million-year-old anthracothere, Merycopotamus medioximus, and a contemporaneous fossil hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon sivalensis) were found in Pakistan’s Siwalik Hills, according to Berkeley.