Occupied Kashmir: Indian troops martyr 291 including 18 young boys in 2017


SRINAGAR Jan 02 (TNS): In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 291 innocent Kashmiris including six women and 18 young boys during the year 2017.

According to the data issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, today, 22 of those martyred were killed in custody. The killings by the troops rendered 31 women widowed and 73 children orphaned while 211 women were disgraced or molested by the men in uniform during the year.

Indian paramilitary and police personnel during house raids, crackdowns, bullet, pellet and PAVA firings and teargas shelling subjected 4,674 civilians to torture, while 3529 persons including Hurriyet leaders Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Altaf Ahmad Shah, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Shahid-ul-Islam, Ayaz Akbar, Peer Saifullah, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal, Farooq Ahmad Dar, Kashmiri businessman Zahoor Watali , Mohammad Aslam Wani, photojournalist Kamran Yousuf, Syed Salahuddin’s son Syed Shahid Yousuf and Javaid Ahmad, activists, students, young boys and women leaders were arrested.

In the last month of December, the troops martyred 14 Kashmiris including two women. The killings rendered two children orphaned in December.

As many as 181 people were injured due to use of brute force, bullets, pellets and teargas shells by the Indian troops and police personnel against peaceful protesters while 197 civilians including Hurriyet leaders and activists were arrested in the month. Indian forces’ personnel destroyed and damaged 125 residential houses and disgraced 10 during the period.